Buy A House in LYNCHBURG
We offer Houses for sale in the greater Lynchburg, Tennessee area
Contact Us
I Want to Sell My House
Call: (931) 563-3279
I Want to Buy A House
Call: (931) 563-5335
Do you need to Move to Lynchburg?
Our main goal is help you become a homeowner, even if your current situation doesn’t allow for it.
We can provide rent-to purchase options that will have you in any new home quickly and without hidden fees – the best part being there are no surprises throughout the process so everyone knows what to expect from beginning until end time period renting/owning with us .
Find out today how we can help you find your dream home by giving us a call at (931) 563-5335.
centralLife in Lynchburg TN
Lynchburg TN is a city in the south-central region of the US state of Tennessee with a population of 6,362852 residents.
Lynchburg is best known as the location of Jack Daniel’s, whose famous Tennessee whiskey can be found all over the world. Though its product can be found in many bars and bottles across America, Lynchburg still puts their signature on every bottle with an iconic red seal design that signifies “Made From Locally Sourced Grain.’
Despite the operational distillery, which is a major tourist attraction, Lynchburg’s home county of Moore is a dry county.
The Lynchburg area itself has only one traffic light and it operates 24 hours per day!
And there’s something for everyone!
Lynchburg offers the best of both worlds – outstanding cultural, educational and recreation opportunities with a city that operates 12 parks, 24 playgrounds, eight community centers, an Olympic-size pool, 34 tennis courts, and 26 baseball diamonds to meet your needs.

Life in Lynchburg, TN is the best of both worlds.
You are close enough to larger cities to enjoy everything that city life has to offer while enjoying the quiet of living in a town like Lynchburg TN.
LYNCHBURG, a vibrant central city WITH a strong sense of community and economic opportunity
Get Your FREE Report "3 EASY steps to owning a dream home without using banks!

Frequently Asked Questions
How does your Financing work?
We offer a lease option, rent to own, and owner financing where you can buy the home without having to qualify at a bank. A reasonable down payment is required, but the “red tape” is minimal and we can usually have you in a house within a week!
What other methods of Down Payment are accepted?
Unlike most lending institutions, we accept borrowed funds for closing. If you have a close friend or relative willing to lend you money for your down payment you can use that in our program. You may also be eligible to withdraw or borrow from your 401K to purchase a home without penalties. We also accept titles on newer paid off vehicles, stock/bonds, credit cards or other valuable assets.
How much Down Payment do I need?
We are very flexible with the down payment. We can offer you many options, and we will always do our best to work with whatever funds you have available. You can even start out on a lease purchase and then move to owner financing later when you have the additional money.
Keep in mind that “cash is king”, but we can do credit cards, valuable assets (eg, newer paid off vehicles, stocks/bonds, 401K funds, borrowed funds, etc). Our programs are known for creativity to get you into a home!
How does your Lease Purchase Program Work?
We can lease you the home with the exclusive right to purchase it at a later date.
Our buyers love it because it gives them time to:
- save up for a larger down payment
- time to clean up past credit problems
- time to sell another home, and
- time to try out the neighborhood before buying.
We are obligated to sell to you; however, you are not obligated to buy. 100% of your option fee/down payment is credited towards the purchase price of the home, plus you may receive a rent credit (depending on the house) of the monthly payment towards the purchase price every month you pay your lease on time.
Do You offer Down Payment Assistance Programs?
Yes, we do.
A lot of times if you are a bit short on the down payment, we can set up a monthly payment plan spread out over 6-12 months. Most of the down payment is required up front, though.
What is the Interest Rate on your Owner Financing?
We are flexible with our terms to meet your needs. Typical interest rates vary based upon the size of your down payment and other factors we look at during the application process. All credit is accepted, and applications are necessary to verify income and employment.
How quickly can we Close?
For selling one of our houses, we can close as soon as you have your application submitted and down payment ready.
Contact us to get your Real Estate Realtor soon!
Full Real Estate Service with a focus on Lifestyle & Service
Ready To SELL
Or BUY Your Home?
I Want To Sell My House
(931) 563-3279
I Want To Buy A House
(931) 563-5335